Swim At Your Own Risk Program
Beginning May 22, residents will be able to use the pool early in the morning before our lifeguards come in to prepare the pool for daily use. In order to do so, please review the rules below and complete the authorization form. The form must be completed and submitted before your fob will be enabled for early morning access. LIFEGUARDS ARE NOT PRESENT
Pool Hours
Monday through Saturday 6:30am to CLOSE
Sunday 6:30am to CLOSE
Click here to download the authorization form.
A) The pool will close for half an hour prior to regular pool hours to allow for vacuuming, cleaning, etc. (Participants may remain on the grounds, but must be out of the water and not be in the lifeguards’ way)
B) Anyone under the age of 18 MUST BE ACCOMPANIED and WATCHED by an adult (age 18 and above)
C) Any homeowner that violates this requirement WILL HAVE THEIR POOL ACCESS SHUT OFF FOR THE REMAINDER OF THE SWIM SEASON (pool access to swim at your own risk hours AND pool access to normal hours)
D) Anyone using the pool during the swim at your own risk hours must be able and willing to verify their age if requested.
E) This form should be emailed or faxed to Superior Management. [email protected] or Fax (704) 875-7177
F) Out of respect for surrounding homes, no music should be played.
G) These swim at your own risk hours are ONLY FOR COMMUNITY MEMBERS. No Guests are allowed during these hours.
H) Normal hour pool rules continue to apply, for example, no running, diving, etc. (failure to follow the rules can result in pool rights revocation for the remainder of the swim season)
I) Exceptions: Swim Team Practice & Swim Meets; please check before heading to the pool. please see: Https://Southampton.swimtopia.com for team practice times and schedule
Please read the form carefully, before signing and submitting, to understand that you are swimming at your own risk, and the implications of doing so.
If you are aware of anyone not adhering to the rules surrounding the Swim At Your Own Risk Hours, please send an email immediately to [email protected]
Thank you and enjoy the summer!
Beginning May 22, residents will be able to use the pool early in the morning before our lifeguards come in to prepare the pool for daily use. In order to do so, please review the rules below and complete the authorization form. The form must be completed and submitted before your fob will be enabled for early morning access. LIFEGUARDS ARE NOT PRESENT
Pool Hours
Monday through Saturday 6:30am to CLOSE
Sunday 6:30am to CLOSE
Click here to download the authorization form.
A) The pool will close for half an hour prior to regular pool hours to allow for vacuuming, cleaning, etc. (Participants may remain on the grounds, but must be out of the water and not be in the lifeguards’ way)
B) Anyone under the age of 18 MUST BE ACCOMPANIED and WATCHED by an adult (age 18 and above)
C) Any homeowner that violates this requirement WILL HAVE THEIR POOL ACCESS SHUT OFF FOR THE REMAINDER OF THE SWIM SEASON (pool access to swim at your own risk hours AND pool access to normal hours)
D) Anyone using the pool during the swim at your own risk hours must be able and willing to verify their age if requested.
E) This form should be emailed or faxed to Superior Management. [email protected] or Fax (704) 875-7177
F) Out of respect for surrounding homes, no music should be played.
G) These swim at your own risk hours are ONLY FOR COMMUNITY MEMBERS. No Guests are allowed during these hours.
H) Normal hour pool rules continue to apply, for example, no running, diving, etc. (failure to follow the rules can result in pool rights revocation for the remainder of the swim season)
I) Exceptions: Swim Team Practice & Swim Meets; please check before heading to the pool. please see: Https://Southampton.swimtopia.com for team practice times and schedule
Please read the form carefully, before signing and submitting, to understand that you are swimming at your own risk, and the implications of doing so.
If you are aware of anyone not adhering to the rules surrounding the Swim At Your Own Risk Hours, please send an email immediately to [email protected]
Thank you and enjoy the summer!
Southampton Neighborhood
Golf Tournament
Registration is now open! Click here to register
Saturday October 22, 2011 12:00PM
@ Charlotte Golf Links
Open to all Southampton Residents
$55 entry fee
includes: Green Fee, Cart, Bucket of Balls
Format: 2, 3, or 4 player teams - Best ball format
Pairings will be created based on each players handicap so
that all the teams are as evenly handicapped as possible.
A,B Level Players will play from Blue Tees
C,D Level Players will play from White Tees
Ladies will play from Red Tees
If you are interested in registering, please email to
[email protected]
Saturday October 22, 2011 12:00PM
@ Charlotte Golf Links
Open to all Southampton Residents
$55 entry fee
includes: Green Fee, Cart, Bucket of Balls
Format: 2, 3, or 4 player teams - Best ball format
Pairings will be created based on each players handicap so
that all the teams are as evenly handicapped as possible.
A,B Level Players will play from Blue Tees
C,D Level Players will play from White Tees
Ladies will play from Red Tees
If you are interested in registering, please email to
[email protected]
Fall Lawn Care Tips

It's that time of year again! In this climate, you have one time of year to really get your grass growing, and that time is now! Here are several tips to get your lawn looking it's best:
1) Between now and October 15 is the best time to over-seed your lawn.
2) Prior to aerating your lawn, mow your lawn slightly lower than usual.
3) It's best to aerate, over-seed and fertilize in the same day.
4) Before aeration, water your lawn throughly the day before to achieve better results. If your lawn is really struggling, go over it multiple times with an aerator, or hire a service to aerate. Aerators can be rented from home improvement stores and rental companies at a daily rate. Book early!!! This time of year, landscape companies will be leaving flyers in our mailboxes.
5) After aeration, over-seed your yard at the rate indicate on the bag of grass seed. Most lawns in Southampton are fescue grass. You may also chose to apply lime at the rate on the bag.
6) Once you over-seed, apply starter fertilizer. Again, follow the instructions on the bag.
7) You can apply peat moss over the fairly bare areas. This will help the area maintain moisture and will improve germination. NEVER USE HAY/STRAW since it carries weeds!!!
8) Water daily for the first 10 days. After 10 days, water 2-3 times weekly for optimal growth.
9) One to two months after over-seeding, apply winter fertilizer at the rate on the bag to strengthen and protect your new grass through the winter months. This will also help your grass remain green throughout the winter.
10) Do not rake leaves off your new yard. To protect your new grass, it is best to pick up debris by hand or utilize a blower lightly to remove leaves.
11) When the grass reaches 4-5 inches, it's time to mow. Don't leave clumps of grass on the mowed lawn.
12) If any areas of grass have not germinated over-seed them now and cover with peat moss.
Additional advice: If your lawn is over 50% weeds, it's time to rethink your game plan. It may be best to contact a professional.
1) Between now and October 15 is the best time to over-seed your lawn.
2) Prior to aerating your lawn, mow your lawn slightly lower than usual.
3) It's best to aerate, over-seed and fertilize in the same day.
4) Before aeration, water your lawn throughly the day before to achieve better results. If your lawn is really struggling, go over it multiple times with an aerator, or hire a service to aerate. Aerators can be rented from home improvement stores and rental companies at a daily rate. Book early!!! This time of year, landscape companies will be leaving flyers in our mailboxes.
5) After aeration, over-seed your yard at the rate indicate on the bag of grass seed. Most lawns in Southampton are fescue grass. You may also chose to apply lime at the rate on the bag.
6) Once you over-seed, apply starter fertilizer. Again, follow the instructions on the bag.
7) You can apply peat moss over the fairly bare areas. This will help the area maintain moisture and will improve germination. NEVER USE HAY/STRAW since it carries weeds!!!
8) Water daily for the first 10 days. After 10 days, water 2-3 times weekly for optimal growth.
9) One to two months after over-seeding, apply winter fertilizer at the rate on the bag to strengthen and protect your new grass through the winter months. This will also help your grass remain green throughout the winter.
10) Do not rake leaves off your new yard. To protect your new grass, it is best to pick up debris by hand or utilize a blower lightly to remove leaves.
11) When the grass reaches 4-5 inches, it's time to mow. Don't leave clumps of grass on the mowed lawn.
12) If any areas of grass have not germinated over-seed them now and cover with peat moss.
Additional advice: If your lawn is over 50% weeds, it's time to rethink your game plan. It may be best to contact a professional.